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Core Faculty

Boettiger, Charlotte
304B Davie Hall

Dr. Boettiger studies the neurobiology of cognitive intermediate phenotypes for addictive disorders and focuses on three types of dysfunction along the perception-action cycle: attentional bias towards addiction-related stimuli, aberrant stimulus response association learning, and immediate reward selection bias. Visit her online: CABLAB.

Carelli, Regina
Stephen B. Baxter Distinguished Professor | Chair
115 Davie Hall
(919) 962-8775

Dr. Carelli studies the behavioral neurophysiology of brain reward processing. Visit her online: Regina M. Carelli, Ph.D.

Dr. Carelli is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Christoffel, Daniel
Assistant Professor
122 Davie Hall

Dr. Christoffel aims to understand how chronic exposure to particular stimuli (i.e. stress, food, drugs) alters the functioning of specific neural circuits and investigates the mechanisms that regulate these experience-dependent changes. Visit him online: Christoffel Lab.

Dr. Christoffel is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Fitting, Sylvia
Associate Professor
126 Davie Hall
(919) 962-6595

Dr. Fitting studies the effects of drugs, such as opioids and (endo)cannabinoids, in the context of HIV-1-related neurodegenerative processes by determining the cellular, structural, and molecular mechanisms underlying drug interaction with neuroAIDS. Visit her online: Fitting Drug Abuse/HIV Group.

Dr. Fitting is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Lysle, Donald
Kenan Distinguished Professor
126 Davie Hall
(919) 537-3748

Dr. Lysle studies neuroimmunology, the role of neuroinflammation in opioid addiction, and the development of post-traumatic stress disorder. Visit him online: Donald T. Lysle, Ph.D..

Navarro, Montserrat
Research Professor
119 Davie Hall
(919) 843-4042

Dr. Navarro studies the brain mechanisms that modulate neurobiological responses to alcohol and is interested in understanding how the brain neurocircuitry changes after ethanol exposure and how these changes can contribute to the transition from alcohol used to alcohol abused.

Dr. Navarro is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Reissner, Kathryn
Professor | Behavioral & Integrative Neuroscience Program Director
129 Davie Hall
(919) 843-6885

Dr. Reissner studies how chronic self-administration of cocaine leads to modifications in cellular physiology and neuronastrocyte communication and how these modifications may contribute to long-term drug abuse. Visit her online:

Dr. Reissner is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Thiele, Todd
117 Davie Hall
(919) 966-1519

Dr. Thiele studies the neurobiology of alcoholism and the central mechanisms involved with neurobiological responses to ethanol, using both genetic and pharmacological manipulations. Visit him online: Neurobiology of Addictive Behaviors.

Dr. Thiele is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Faculty have official appointments with the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience and assist the Department by collaborating with faculty, mentoring doctoral students, or teaching undergraduates.

Adcock, Alison
Adjunct Associate Professor | Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Duke University
(919) 681-7486

Dudek, Serena
Adjunct Assistant Professor | Synaptic and Developmental Plasticity Group
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
(984) 287-3513

Dykstra, Linda
Adjunct Professor | Seeding Postdoctoral Innovators in Research and Education
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
(276) 744-7619


Hendershot, Christian 
Adjunct Associate Professor | UNC School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry



Jones, Hendrée
Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Kash, Thomas
Adjunct Professor | Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
(919) 843-7867

Knapp, Darin
Adjunct Associate Professor | Center for Faculty Excellence
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
(919) 966-1741

Marshall, S. Alex
Adjunct Assistant Professor | Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
North Carolina Central University
(919) 530-7725


Robinson, Donita
Affiliated Faculty | Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
5007A Thurston-Bowles Building
(919) 966-9178

Snider, William
Adjunct Professor | Neuroscience Research Center and Department of Neurology
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
(919) 843-8623


Affiliated Faculty

Affiliated Faculty have primary appointments outside of the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. They may be faculty members at other departments, schools, and research units on campus or with other universities in the area.

Girdler, Susan
Affiliated Faculty | Department of Psychiatry
129 Medical Research Building A
(919) 966-2544


Emeritus Faculty

Eckerman, David
Professor Emeritus



Hollins, Mark
Professor Emeritus
104 Davie Hall

Shinkman, Paul
Professor Emeritus