Diversity and Inclusion
The Behavioral and Integrative Neuroscience Program in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill supports the University’s core values encouraging diversity and equal educational and employment opportunities throughout our community. We unequivocally denounce racism and other forms of hateful and discriminatory behavior with regard to culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and age, among others. We are strongly committed to promoting diversity in our program as we consider an ideal scientific community to be one that includes a diverse representation of individuals at all academic levels. We are especially committed to training early career scientists of diverse backgrounds, and we encourage students from backgrounds historically underrepresented in the sciences to apply, including but not limited to BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, first generation college students, and those of low socioeconomic status.
Our views reflect University policy as reflected the UNC Non-Discrimination Policy and the policy of Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs.